Here are five reasons why to keep a homeschool reading log. Then download the free sheet so that you can keep track of all of the great books that you read.
1. Some colleges like to see what your child has read in high school. They especially like to see what classical books your child has read.
2. A list of books read can jog your child’s memory. He might be asked about the books that he read during a college interview. Also your child should review his list before he takes the SAT test. Classical literature can sometimes help with the essay question.
3. We use the lists to help us find other books by the same authors.
4. A friend might want to know about a great book to read. We can give our friend a copy of our reading log.
5. Our family likes to see some of the great books that we have read during our homeschool journey.
I mentioned above that a list can jog your child’s memory. So your child should include more than just the title and author. It would be good to write a short summary of the book. He might make note of interesting characters and where the story took place.
Your child does not need to write summaries for every book that he reads. I make sure that my children record information about any classical book that they read especially books that are listed on college reading lists. I want them to remember as much about the book as they can when it comes to test and interview time.
I also like to keep a separate sheet for books that we read aloud as a family. I like to note if we liked the book and if it was good for reading aloud.
Download your free log here so that you can keep track of the books you read.
It is a PDF so you will need to have Adobe reader on your computer.
On the sheet there is a place for the title and author. Your child can mark if they liked the book or not. In the third column make notes about what the book is about. There is also a place to make other comments.
A reading log can be helpful for homeschoolers. Your child can see all of the books that he has read in one year. They can also be important for applying to colleges.
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